These are fabric, one inch squares that I just completed for a swap with my Altered Art Obscession group. I will be sending these to a lady in Canada, who will then redistribute them to other members. They were rather tedious to make but I have had plenty of sitting around time to work on them because I have had to sit at the hospital with my aunt (see previous post about her birthday.) She has been in the hospital twice in the past two weeks and in and out of the nursing home. Last Thursday, she fell and broke her hip at the nursing home. Two months ago, I visited her at her home and she made me peach pie and we visited and looked at old family photos all afternoon. Now she is almost totally helpless and very confused from all the medication. I have had lots of time watching her in the hospital, to think about death, helplessness, family, and loss of dignity. It makes you wonder how you would want to spend your last few weeks or months alive; aware but in pain, or drugged and confortable but totally confused. Most people say that to break your hip and be in a nursing home is almost a death sentence. She knows this too, and when she is aware it has to be going through her mind. All we can do is be there for her and try to comfort her. It makes you feel a bit helpless.
Cherish those around you and let them know that you care.