Newly painted spaces are awaiting the installation of paintings, jewelry, furniture, and pottery. This place will be transformed by Friday evening to the newest art gallery in town. A group of friends have joined together to try to awaken a dying downtown area and have a fun place to showcase our art. Hours of sweat equity have gone into redeeming a worn and tired space and making it art worthy. This Friday, from 5:00-9:00 p.m. we will have our opening show. The location is downtown Columbia, Tennessee on the public square, in the old Helms Jewelry building. Come and enjoy the art, food, wine, and music. Check out our group's blogs for more details on the artists and the vision. Where's the Art Columbia Gordon's Gallery
The only art that I have made this past week is photos. I just got back from a few glorious days in Puerto Rico. A small reprieve from this brutal winter we have had. It was so hard to leave.
Pathway to Paradise
Oh give me a home, where the iguanas roam, and the skies are not cloudy all day.
Jobos Beach
My son's surfboard in the stairwell.Graffiti at Jobos
When Steph came to visit, she brought me these green beads. The larger one had split in half to make two perfect cabochons. They kept calling to me from my bead tray to frame them with copper. My DH says they look like beetles. It also bothers him that I made the bottom piece asymmetrical. He likes symmetry. I tend to go for something different whenever possible. This dragonfly was an attempt at etching. The veins on the wings faintly show. I need to tinker with my acid recipe a little to get a sharper image. The stones are carnelian.
This is a random assortment of stones, bone beads, and copper charms and spirals.
As much as I love making jewelry, one of my other passions is mosaics. The stones and glass have been calling to me lately, so I shifted gears a bit and spent a couple of glorious afternoons making this piece. The title is מים חיים (mayim chaim) which means living water. The inspiration for this mosaic is Psalm 1:1-4 . 1How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! 2But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. 3He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers.
The challenge was to represent a concept without words. It is a small version of a bigger one that I did several years ago. This one may eventually have a home in a church that was designed by my friend Michelle. The church has been trying to get its financing together to build the new sanctuary, but haven't quite reached their goal.
In the mean time, it sits in my basement in an area where I frequently pray and it always brings to mind were my focus should ultimately be.