Monday, October 30, 2006


This is a flamingo themed blog. I just finished two flamingo projects and I read today that the factory that makes the classic flamingo is closing Nov. 1. Will they become collector's items? Anyway... mine are recycling projects. One is painted on an old window and the other is made out of an old golf club, nails, and metal washers. My daughter-in-law, Christina had the idea to make the golf club ones, so one of them is hers. The last photo is the designer of the original birds surrounded by his creations. I've been trying to get more in touch with my pink side lately.

1 comment:

jafabrit said...

What a fun blog entry and loved the pics. pst. don't tell anyone but I have 2 pink flamigoes in my garden, oh and a gnome. I can't believe the factory is closing down?